Alfa Gate

Our Implants

Alfa Gate implants are made of highest quality biocompatible medical grade titanium alloy (Ti 6Al 4v ELI). The Bioactive and SLA surface treatment creates micro and nano-structures that increase bone formation and bonding which helps to promote long lasting osseointegration.

Internal Hex


Bioactive SCI Implant

Bioactive is a completely resorbable, fixed adhesive calcium-phosphate coating which is obtained in an electrochemical process on the implant surface.

MAX Implant

The MAX is an internal hex connection implant with a single prosthetic connection for all implant diameters.

S-line Implant

The ultimate implant for narrow and tight ridges with 3.0 diameter platform.

Porous SLA Implant

The ultimate implant for narrow and tight ridges with 3.0 diameter platform.

Conical Connection


M+ Implant

M+ Implant is an advanced internal conical connection with hexagonal interlocking offers high mechanical strength.Color coded implants and abutment for ease prosthetic process.

One Piece


Slim Implant

Alfa gate one piece implants are especially designed for narrow ridges and tight spaces.

Patro Implant

Alfa-Gate PATRO implants with the flexible neck especially designed for immediate abutment angle adjustment. PATRO implants are designed for narrow ridges and tight spaces.
